Governor Rell: Official U.S. Census Workers Will Visit Homes Beginning May 1

Press Release

Governor Rell: Official U.S. Census Workers Will Visit Homes Beginning May 1

Governor M. Jodi Rell today is reminding residents that U.S. Census workers will begin visiting homes and apartments on May 1 to take data from those individuals who have not mailed back their Census 2010 forms.

"Your response is required by law and it is essential that Connecticut is accurately counted. Billions of dollars in federal aid is tied to our population," Governor Rell said. "Unfortunately, this door-to-door canvassing presents a prime opportunity for scam artists to try and steal identities or gain access to homes.

"Official Census workers will be properly identified and will never ask to enter a home. They will also not ask for confidential data, such as Social Security Number or bank accounts," the Governor said.

If a census taker visits you, here are some guidelines:

· First ask to see their ID. All census workers carry official government badges marked with just their name; they may also have a "U.S. Census Bureau" bag

· Note that the census taker will never ask to enter your home

· If you are still not certain about their identity, please call the Boston Regional Census Centers to confirm they are employed by the Census Bureau at 617-223-3700.

· Answer the census form questions for your entire household. You must be at least 15 years old to answer questions.

Every household in America received a short, 10-question form this year. Among the basic questions asked were gender, age, ethnic background and whether the respondent rent or owned his or her home.

For residents who speak a language other than English, Census takers will show the resident a card containing a sentence about the 2010 Census written in approximately 50 languages. The Census worker will show the card to the resident to determine his or her specific language and then will assign a Census worker who speaks that language.

Residents can also provide data by phone at: 1-866-872-6868.

More information on the U.S. Census in Connecticut:
